Tuesday, October 1, 2019


Here’s a pic of some Tesla deliveries happening nearby. I want a Tesla, but I don’t need a Tesla. :(

Friday, May 3, 2019

5/3 Free Stuff

Dunkin' Donuts Latte from T-Mobile Tuesdays freebie. Teavana Peach Green Tea bottle from Lucky's Freebie Fridays promo on their rewards program. All the rest of the goodies (water, lemonade, canned tomatoes, Kit-Kat and animal crackers) were the recent latest batch of instant winner prizes for Safeway's Monopoly game (which is ending real soon).

The school that my 2 eldest goes to had a parents appreciation this morning and gave away free coffee and donut. To be honest, the donuts at Safeway tastes better though. =(

Saturday, February 9, 2019